Mayor to move into Village Hall

Framingham, MA

Following the completion of renovations to Village Hall, it was announced yesterday that the Mayor will be making arrangements to make it the official office and residence for the Mayor of Framingham. The mayor will move into the property in October. To make Village Hall move-in ready, city taxpayers will need to cough up approximately $2 million. That does not include the beefed up security detail and high tech fencing that will surround the perimeter. That will add another $1 million apiece to the project. There will also be a brand new east wing added to the existing building, complete with a Triangle Office. The Mayor will only reside at the Village Hall when not in Hawaii or Washington, D.C., so that works out to approximately just three months a year.

Couples looking for the perfect wedding venue will have to look elsewhere. Residents and business owners looking for increased public safety will have to wait just a bit longer. On the bright side, the city says “don’t worry!” your increased water rates are being put to good use! The City Council unanimously voted to reject the move.

One councilor said, “Absolutely not! That is the people’s hall and living there flies in the face of someone who calls themself the people’s mayor!”

Another councilor said, “the personal mayor-mobile was bad enough. Now this? Free luxury accommodation for the mayor? This is not what we meant by affordable housing!”

The mayor’s office defended the decision by saying that future mayors will be able to reside there, too. But the current mayor is keeping the car.

“The point is nobody should reside there!”, said the councilor.

The mayor’s spokesman said, “Hey, it was either Village Hall or a large 5,000 square foot space at the…Callahan Center.”